For whatever reason – well perhaps a mix of procrastination and things taking longer than expected – it is suddenly almost Christmas and I’ve not got all done that I planned. Not so intentionally at first - but now on day 7 of a 10 day stretch – I have decided to maximize life inside and outside the lab for 10 days in a row, a pre-emptive new years resolution mandate! It feels like it would be ever so satisfying to get my lab work DONE before the new year and have my last few weeks here in Umea to play (over Christmas holidays) and then to geek out and run analysis and work on having a draft manuscript written for my departure on January 15th. Yes, perhaps I may be a bit grandiose with my dreams of the new year and pre-emptive resolutions, but so far so good – 7 days straight of lab and fitness and friend fun!
Most of this snow has fallen in the last day - the snow piles are really really piling up!!! - And makes me appreciate that I live in an apt and so do NOT have to shovel!!! |
Part of my mandate is to IKSU and/or cross-country ski 10 days in a row. Two days of spinning class in a row though I’ve decided is a mal idea! But I’m working on working off those Christmas pounds early – ha ha! An excuse to be able to eat more cookies - like I need an excuse I know right! It has been COLD here – but with the cold is snowy wonderfulness and cross-country ski adventures! This morning it was a treat to get out to the trails with Aida and Natcho before hibernating in the lab. There is an area of museums and park area called Gammlia which is a short bike ride from campus and in the heart of the city that has great cross-country ski trails. It was beautiful with all the fresh snow – so light and fluffy – wish there was a downhill mountain – Tyler and I would be all over that freshy fresh pow pow! Thanks to Natcho for biking with the skis most of the way, so that I only had to bike the very short ride to their place with my skis and poles (what a sight that is eh - a cyclist with ski gear – but surprisingly common here – the Swedes – I tell you NOTHING phases them!).
Natcho carrying all of our ski gear on his bike - and he was a natural! |
Skiing :) Hope your back is better Aida! | | | | | | | | | | |
Natcho, Katie, & Maja |
Us showing off our favorite cookies :) - and you can see the reflection of my Swedish star light too! |
Did I mention that is has been SNOWING and SNOWING – wow – I literally think maybe 20 cm in the last 24 hours? Actually yet more accumulation in my window as I have been writing this blog! Luckily I am not flying anywhere just yet – Heathrow is closed owing to this same storm. The up side of that was that Katie stayed an extra day and we returned to our favorite café – Goteberg – and enjoyed more cake – mmmm cake! There were two separate ‘cake days’ at school this week – can never be enough cake days I say (they have a princess cake - which Tyler pointed out must be where the Duchess cake back home comes from - so I have it to look fwd to back home too!) ;) Hopefully Katie makes it home to the UK tomorrow and I can get out the front door in the morning ;) The snow is super duper fluffy and made for some most excellent melting snow angels last night when we would run out from the sauna to cool off. Yes I finally had my first winter sauna here in Sweden – and hopefully not my last! I do love hot tubs, but saunas I could also get used to! Oh and the large flurry of snow action also made for a rather embarrassing event on my ride home from Goteberg Café tonight – I thought the bus was turning but it was going straight – so as I back-braked to avoid it, my back tire slid out and onto my ass I went…. Oh yes – with a fully loaded bus of passengers looking on – at least just my pride was hurt ;) Thanks to Katie for getting off the bus at the next stop to make sure I was okay- we got to enjoy a nice walk the rest of the way home in the fluffiness – was also safer than biking ;)
Kelley's delicious Saffron loaf for Santa Lucia Day Fika (Dec 13th in Scandinavia) - in addition to the two cake day fikas enjoyed by Michael, Kelley, Helena and me! |
Goteberg cake = mmmmmmmm! |
Mine this go round looked kind of nanaimo-bar esque |
The snow outside the cafe - it's been seriously snowing! Yeah okay - so maybe not the best conditions for biking ;) | | | | |
Katie pushing my bike - we're in a road that had been plowed earlier in the day! |
This is all fresh snow - SO light and fluffy and fun - pity Katie didn't do a snow angel for me ;) But didn't want to get cold waiting for her bus (which she got off to rescue me after my embarrasing fall!) |
Only 3 more days – and then it’s on a plane to Stockholm and a winter wonderland Christmas in the big city – followed by a ferry ride to Tallinn, Estonia for a few days and then back to Umea to ring in the new year. I haven’t been caught up in the buzz of shopping et al. here – not sure if that’s b/c it’s not so crazy here – or b/c I’ve been in the lab during the very short shopping hours around these parts! We’ll see if any shops are open in Stockholm while we are there – I have kronors to spend before I go home - figure I get to do my Christmas shopping late this year - but I do plan to fill up my suitcase that came here with forest floor samples with much more exciting gifts for the trip home middle of January! Happy Healthy Holidays to everyone - hope you get home through the snow! I’ll be sending my Christmas cards out soon, so stay tuned - they may actually be Merry Christmas rather than Happy New Years cards if I can keep the momentum alive! God Jul! Hej da!
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